Who Deserve Carlton Tucker Sportsperson of the Year Award?


Hello HCANA Members!   We are soliciting nominations for the 2023 Carlton Tucker Sportsperson of the Year Award. This is the highest honor we bestow upon our members, honoring an HCANA member for their contribution to the Hobie Way of Life. We have a wonderful perpetual trophy with all the previous honorees in it. Recent […]

Hobie Mid-Winters East 2023

Mid Winter 5

The spring sailing season begins! The first regatta of the season was Midwinters East held at Ocean Springs Yacht Club in Ocean Springs, MS. This has been the first event of the season for me for the last few years and despite being a 1000-mile drive it’s a great start to the season. A great […]

Starting Line Sailing new Hobie manufacturer site visit

Sls Factory20

Believe Returning from a ski trip to New England, Carol and I took the opportunity to visit Starting Line Sailing’s manufacturing facility in Rhode Island, USA. Starting Line Sailing (SLS) is the parent company of West Coast Sailing, Zim Sailing, Dwyer Mast and Rigging and now Hobie Sailboats. Starting Line Sailing entered into a long-term […]

Ready to start registration at the Hobie Multiworlds & Europeans 2023!!

News 03

Notice of Race, registration form, and all the important information is available on the official website at these links: Notice of Race Online Entry Please remember the program foreseen for the event: July 11 Welcome on board July 12-15 Dragoon & Hobie Cat 16 Youth July 14-15 Hobie Cat Master & SPI Cup July 16-17 […]

Does IHCA need a full time employed Executive Director?


Does IHCA need a full time employed Executive Director? A rather relevant question since it is no secret the main portion of the IHCA budget actually goes to the employment of an Executive Director. To put things a bit in perspective we can tell our Executive Director, David Brookes, typically works 40-50 hours a week […]

Starting Line Sailing full steam ahead with the production of Hobie boats and parts.

Sls Hobie Factory2

Dear Hobie Sailors- Since you last heard from Starting Line Sailing, the new Hobie Cat sailboat manufacturer. We have made significant progress made across the entire Hobie Sailboats supply chain. A small overview of where we are heading and what we have achieved since we have become the Hobie Cat sailboat manufacturer. Last week, we […]

Charter boats for the Hobie MultiWorlds and Europeans available from Starting Line Europe

News 02 Credits Caterina Degli Uberti

Charter boats will be available thanks to Starting Sailing Europe at the following conditions: 4 x Hobie Dragoon Dragoon Xtrem charter fee + transport = 1 410 € Dragoon Xtrem charter fee (pick-up Toulon) = 1 010 € 4 x Hobie Cat 14 HC 14 charter fee + transport = 1 425 € HC 14 […]

2023 Hobie Wave North American Championship with online registration open

Hobie Wace 2023 North Americans

2023 Hobie Wave North American Championship Hobie Fleet 204 & Onondaga Yacht Club Sept 12-16 2023 Hobie Fleet 204 and Onondaga Yacht Club are proud to host the 2023 Hobie Wave North American Championships. Onondaga Yacht Club is located at the end of Sycamore St. on the shore of Onondaga Lake in Liverpool NY. The […]

Hobie MultiWorlds and Europeans offical website now live!

Hobie Multi worlds and Europeans 2023

The Hobie Multi Worlds and Europeans website is now live! The official website for the Hobie Multi Worlds and Europeans is now live. You can now book your accommodation with the Cesenatico Hotel Association to ensure you get the best accommodation for your requirements. The Notice of Race and registration will be released very soon. […]

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